The Shanghai Circle Review 17th October 2023 – 2nd Review

A review  of ‘The Shanghai Circle’ by a member of the Online Book Club on the 17th of October 2023

4 stars out of 5

A triad known as the Sung Society and a British trading family are fighting for the wealth and power in Shanghai. As you read chapter after chapter, you’ll flip between the different viewpoints of a variety of different characters. All the characters are somehow related to one another, causing them to be brought together into this story.

Each chapter and character are unlike any other character and chapter, giving this book something for everyone to read. Everyone is trying to accomplish their goal regardless of how it affects others, only you as the reader can see how even the smallest of actions can cause a pyramid of problems.

Pre World War II Shanghai is a prosperous city that is brought to life by Tony Henderson, who divulges the underside of the city with its racial tendencies and drugs. I’ve never been that interested in Shanghai during this time period, but after reading this book, I am super anxious to learn more by reading the other novels in the series

This book was exciting, entertaining and well-written in a very structured manner which made this an easy and uncomplicated read. The dialect and time period stay true throughout the whole book making this a believable read concerning the era.


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